18th May, 2020

2020 Early childhood April newsletter


Find the April 2020 Early Childhood Newsletter Here!

What’s in this Issue?

  • Create a Sit Spot in your backyard
  • Create a vegie garden
  • Go on a backyard bug hunt or treasure hunt
  • FUN online activities!
  • Atlas of Living Australia – Discover Flora and Fauna in your area
  • Digivol – Access Citizen Science projects
  • Birds in Backyards bird finder
  • Bushcare Blue Mountains Resources
  • Australian Museum Factsheets
  • Taronga TV
  • Australian Reptile Park livestream
  • ABC Education and ABC Podcasts for all ages
  • And some boredom busters..

17th September, 2018

We see news stories about the impact of technology on our everyday lives all the time these days. Many of us started to think about how technology affects us personally. But how many of us have stopped to think about how it affects our children?

In this comprehensive guide, linked here we outlined eight areas that you should pay attention to as you navigate this complex online world.