Positive Frameworks in Social Change: Children, Young People, Families and Communities
Learn what a systems changing approach to working with children and families is about, and how to improve your systems leadership skills. An impressive line up of systems leaders including Professional Ross Homel, Professor Kate Freiberg, Sam Sayers and Fiona McKenzie.
Click here to view videos and powerpoints from all the sessions.
Dr Kate Freiberg (Pathways to Prevention project)
Sam Sayers (ten20 Foundation)
Fiona McKenzie (Australian Futures Project)
Child and Youth Wellbeing Forum
Training on the latest knowledge and best practice in the child and youth mental health issue area. A focus on how to build well-being and resilience with Anthony Hillins.
To see videos and powerpoints of the the event email sfa@bmcc.nsw.gov.au and links to a protected area of this web-site will be sent to you.
Child and Family Plan
Each area of the Child and Family Plan is informed by a comprehensive evidence base. To hear inspirational key note speakers summarising each part of the Plan and download powerpoint resources and the Plan in small PDFs relevant to your area of service delivery, click here.