The Stronger Families Alliance Executive oversees the development of the SFA. Its recommendations about change and development projects are forwarded to the SFA Main group for consideration, review and ratification.
SFA Ownership and Acknowledgement Protocols
In term one, 2014, we finalised the SFA Ownership and Acknowledgement Protocols. These protocols help collaborative group designate the contractual and public lead of projects, identify the key collaborative contributors, easily administrate MOUs, resolve issues and agree to project acknowledgement protocols. To download the SFA Ownership and Acknowledgement Protocols, click here.
New membership and structure
In 2013 we clarified our membership structure to broaden participation in the SFA, help define our evaluation framework and assist our marketing quality controls. To access the membership structure document, click here.
Refining the way our implementation groups function
We have grappled with how to support our implementation groups to succeed for a number of years. In 2013 we consolidated our learnings into a goverance document that sets protocols for these group. To access the SFA Implementation Groups document, click here.
New goverance structure to support implementation of the Child and Family Plan
“Implementing the solutions may require a new governance structure” (The Power of Co: The Smart Leaders’ Guide to Collaborative Governance).
This insight by collaboration experts, Twyfords Communication Pty Ltd, has proved correct for the Stronger Families Alliance. Using two appreciate inquiry workshops in 2012 we have changed our governance structure to position us for successful implementation. The change involves new protocols about our decision-making process.
To read the results of our decision-making process review workshops, click here.
To read the Terms of Reference document produced from the workshops, click here.
Contact: Patricia Darvall, 4780 5462, Blue Mountains City Council.